Resources to discover SCANeR

:arrow_left: 5. Analyze

Run SCANeR within Docker

SCANeR Standalone method supports any container solutions (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes).

With this guide we’ll see

Prerequisite: Have a valid installation of Docker Engine 😉
More information on:

Tip: SCANeR is currently compatible with Ubuntu Focal 20.04 (LTS) and Centos 7

Step 1. Build a SCANeR Docker image

Great news! SCANeR installer comes with all the files you need 😊

To build the SCANeR image read: $STUDIO_PATH\SCANeRstudio_202X\APIs\DockerCompute\build\README.txt

To use the SCANeR environment we made within previous steps follow the specific steps below:

  1. Rename .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample to .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample_old
  2. Create a new empty folder sample under .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\
  3. Add 2 new empty folders within this new folder: config and data
  4. Copy configurations.cfg from .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample_old to .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample
  5. Copy content of .\config\SAMPLE_COMPUTE_HPC\ to .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample\config
  6. Copy content of .\data\SAMPLE_COMPUTE_HPC\ to .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample\data
  7. Copy and replace datafile.cfg from .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample_old\datafile.cfg to .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample
  8. Edit .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\sample\config\Process.xfg and update the path to your System Under Test used within the Docker image. In our case you should update it from ${LOCAL_STUDIO_PATH}\SCANeR-Samples-Pack-2022\data\SAMPLE_COMPUTE_HPC\bin\ubuntu\20.04\SUT_AEB to ${LOCAL_STUDIO_PATH}\data\bin\ubuntu\20.04\SUT_AEB

Once the SCANeR Docker image is built, let’s run it!

Step 2. Run the SCANeR Docker image

Great news! SCANeR installer comes with THE file you need 😊
To run the SCANeR image read: .\APIs\DockerCompute\run\README.txt